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WOW! i had no idea getting a sub 14 second time was even possible! GG! my best is 14.18.

very close to the dev time... you're almost there!

proud owner of the 16 second badge!


Very fun game! love the visual style

thank you!

14.96, not sure if intended but you can launch yourself if you press rmb then lmb in the same frame

Yeah, that was a bug turned into a feature! I like how it effects the skill gap. Getting all three medals is doable without it, but to get even faster times its a good skill to pull off.

Managed a 15.09 as my first sub 16, felt pretty good but def still far from perfect

Uh oh... you're gonna beat my time soon!

Love the game, it is really well done! The shader makes the game look very smooth, is it a custom made one? 

Thank you! Totally thought I had it in the credits (I'll add it now). Its a modified version based on this:

One of my favourits, tbh! Really cool game. I did in 19 secs, but gonna try to do better next times. 

Awesome! Did you get the second medal? Thank you for playing!

Not yet! But i'll get it and the first one for sure.